view('youtube-converter', [ '_csrfToken' => csrf_token(), ]); }public function download(Request $request) { $validatedData = $request->validate([ 'url' => 'required|url', 'format' => 'required|in:mp3,mp4', 'quality' => 'required|in:best,720p,1080p' ]);$videoUrl = $validatedData['url']; $videoFormat = $validatedData['format']; $quality = $validatedData['quality'];try { // Determine video quality options if ($videoFormat == "mp4") { if ($quality == "best") { $videoQuality = "best[ext=mp4]"; } elseif (in_array($quality, ["720p", "1080p"])) { $videoQuality = "bestvideo[height<=" . substr($quality, 0, -1) . "][ext=mp4]"; } else { $videoQuality = "best[ext=mp4]"; } } elseif ($videoFormat == "mp3") { $videoQuality = "bestaudio[ext=m4a]"; }// Ensure downloads directory exists $downloadsPath = storage_path('app/downloads'); if (!File::exists($downloadsPath)) { File::makeDirectory($downloadsPath, 0755, true); }// Construct yt-dlp command $outputTemplate = $downloadsPath . '/%(title)s.%(ext)s'; $command = [ 'yt-dlp', '--format', $videoQuality, '--output', $outputTemplate, '--no-playlist', '--quiet', $videoUrl ];// Execute yt-dlp command $process = new Process($command); $process->run();if (!$process->isSuccessful()) { throw new ProcessFailedException($process); }// Find the downloaded file $files = File::files($downloadsPath); $downloadedFile = collect($files)->last();// Convert to MP3 if needed if ($videoFormat == "mp3") { $mp3Path = pathinfo($downloadedFile, PATHINFO_DIRNAME) . '/' . pathinfo($downloadedFile, PATHINFO_FILENAME) . '.mp3'; $ffmpegCommand = [ 'ffmpeg', '-i', $downloadedFile, '-vn', '-acodec', 'libmp3lame', '-q:a', '2', $mp3Path ];$ffmpegProcess = new Process($ffmpegCommand); $ffmpegProcess->run();$downloadedFile = $mp3Path; }// Return file for download return Response::download($downloadedFile);} catch (\Exception $e) { return response()->json([ 'error' => 'Download failed: ' . $e->getMessage() ], 500); } } } ?>YouTube Converter YouTube Converter

YouTube Converter

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